1.     Where did you grow up?
  2.     I was born and bred in Kaduna state, Northern Nigeria and I lived there for 14 years. I spent my young adult life in various Southwestern Nigerian states including Osun, Oyo, Ogun, and Lagos State.
  3.     What inspired you to pursue a career in law?

Initially, it was my parents’ decision that I study law, a decision I accepted with some reluctance. However, as I continued in this field, I discovered that the profession resonates deeply with my personality. I am inherently a meticulous person and have a genuine desire to help people, to be there for them, and to make meaningful impacts in their lives. I strongly believe in the principles of equality and fairness, and I am passionate about ensuring that people are not subjected to injustice. These values align perfectly with the practice of law, making it the profession that truly suits me.


Which University and Law school did you attend, and what were some notable experiences?

I attended two law colleges for my Undergraduate level, Osun State University and Babcock University. I began my pursuit for a law degree at Osun State University but due to external factors, I had to change universities and decided to study law at Babcock University, where I completed my undergraduate legal training and obtained my Bachelors of Law.

For, my Postgraduate legal training, I attended the best Law School Campus in Nigeria, The unimpeachable Lagos Law School.

For my notable experiences, I led a relatively quiet and simple life. I focused primarily on my studies and engaged only in necessary social activities. Somewhat of a loner. While I may not have participated extensively in the social scene, this period was rich in experiences that shaped my understanding of the legal and social spheres.



How did you start your legal career (e.g., internships, clerkships, first job)?

I started out as a graduate trainee at the Firm of the Late Chief G.N Uwechue, a legal luminary and Life Bencher, thereafter I began as an associate at the renowned BA LAW LLP owned by Chief Bolaji Ayorinde SAN.

Have you worked in different firms, organizations, or industries? If yes, what were the transitions like?

Before obtaining my law degree, I worked in the agricultural industry where I started as a field attendant to administrative Head of operations. Transitioning to the practice of law, I noticed a stark contrast between the two industries. Following my role in the Agricultural industry, my job demanded more hands-on, fieldwork, whereas the legal profession where I have chiefly practiced as an associate lawyer, is mostly intellectually demanding, and characterized by extensive paperwork.



b)   What area(s) of law do you specialize in?

Dispute Resolution, Criminal law, Family law, Negotiation, Immigration Law, and Intellectual Property.

How did you develop expertise in that area?

The day-to-day experience I’ve accumulated over two years in a highly dynamic legal environment has been instrumental. This experience is rooted in managing numerous public and private cases, as well as collaborating with friends and colleagues in the legal field both domestically and internationally, as well as across various industries.

Are there any notable cases or transactions you’ve handled?  

I have been privileged to be part of several teams and have conjunctively handled a variety of cases throughout my career, the most notable are a passport racketeering case, cases involving breach of contract, a trademark infringement case, and a novel case of medical negligence.



Are you part of any professional organizations (e.g., bar associations, legal networks)?

Nigerian Bar Association.

Association of Young Lawyers

Have you held leadership positions or participated in committees?

While I typically try to avoid leadership positions, they always seem to find me. I have held numerous leadership roles and been actively involved in various committees. For instance, I led a team of associates at my level in both firms where I have practiced. Additionally, I was part of the committee responsible for planning the annual dinners for the firm, among other responsibilities.



What drives you as a lawyer (e.g., passion for justice, commitment to clients)?

I believe that everyone deserves fair representation and access to legal support, regardless of their background or circumstances. Knowing that my skill is something I can apply generously to make a meaningful difference in a person’s life is incredibly rewarding and motivates me to continually strive for excellence in my practice. I am also committed to building a stellar reputation and ensuring my client’s satisfaction even beyond just legal representation.

How do you approach your work (e.g., collaborative, results-oriented)?

I’m a fan of the quote that says if you want to fly fast, fly alone. If you want to fly far, fly together. I believe both instances are required for well-rounded success, Sometimes, Collaboration is key, while, other times, Individual effort is necessary but at all times, one must aim for perfection and deliver excellence at the very least.


Are you involved in pro bono work or volunteer activities?

I have had the privilege of handling several pro bono cases, all of which concluded with amicable settlements. These experiences have not only honed my legal skills in drafting agreements but also allowed me to provide valuable advice to both legal and non-legal individuals. As a lawyer, I believe these opportunities have enhanced my wisdom, enabling me to approach each case with a deeper understanding.

Have you participated in legal clinics, mentorship programs, or educational initiatives?

Yes, I have actively participated in legal clinics, mentorship programs, and educational initiatives. These experiences have been incredibly rewarding, allowing me to contribute to the community while also developing my skills as a lawyer. Additionally, participating in legal clinics has allowed me to provide much-needed legal assistance to individuals who may not have access to it otherwise. Overall, these experiences have been enriching and have further reinforced my commitment to serving the community.



Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years?

I see myself living, thriving, and growing significantly in my legal, spiritual financial social life and personal life. Also making notable impacts at home and overseas within the relevant legal, social, Economic, Political, National, and International spheres.

Are there any specific goals or challenges You’re looking to tackle?

My ultimate goal is to build a legacy that transcends my lifetime. I aspire to be a life bencher, achieving the prestigious rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria. Also, I aim to be called to the Bar in either America or Canada, expanding my reach and impact in the legal profession. These goals drive my dedication and commitment to excellence in my career.



What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Leisure Writing, Movies, Music, Photography, Exercise, Languages, Art and Technology

Are there any hobbies, passions, or interests that help you maintain a work-life balance?

To maintain a healthy work-life balance, I engage in hobbies and interests that rejuvenate me such as documentaries, leisure writing, viewing inspirational posts, etc.

I also enjoy outdoor activities like evening city walks, sitting at a beach or similar waterfront, viewing the city skyline from a high-rise building, etc. which help me unwind and stay connected with nature. These hobbies provide a much-needed break from the demands of my profession, allowing me to return to work with renewed energy and focus.



What’s your encouragement to young and aspiring lawyers?

I urge young lawyers to embrace the journey of learning and growth in the legal field. It will challenge you but, in the end, your persistence will shape you into a resilient and polished professional, much like gold refined in fire.

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